FPT / East Penn trolley charter set for May 21

The Friends of Philadelphia Trolleys invite you to join us on a charter in connection with the East Penn Traction Meet.  We will be using a SEPTA Kawasaki LRV on the Subway-surface lines. Snacks and beverages will be available for purchase on the trolley. To reserve a seat, please mail a check for $60.00 for each person, made out to FPT, Inc. to Harry Donahue, 103 Mulberry Court, Morgantown, PA 19543.

Need more information? Contact Bill Monaghan at FPT2799@COMCAST.NET  please have your email and phone number on the check in case we need to contact you.

Please respond no later than May 14, 2023. Equipment is subject to change.

DATE: Sunday, May 21, 2023

TIME: 10:00 A.M. until 2:00 P.M. (Trolley departs promptly at 10:00 A.M.)

LOCATION: SEPTA’s Elmwood Depot

7311 Elmwood Avenue (at 73rd Street)

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19142


ROUTING: Subway-surface lines; routes and equipment are subject to change.

FARE: $60.00 per person

To reserve a seat, please mail a check for $60.00 for each person, made out to FPT, Inc. to Harry Donahue, 103 Mulberry Court, Morgantown, Pennsylvania 19543.

Need more information? Contact Bill Monaghan at FPT2799@COMCAST.NET. Please send us your email and phone number on the check.

Please respond no later than May 14, 2023

With a SEPTA Kawasaki LRV on the Subway-surface lines. To reserve a seat, please mail a check for $60.00 for each person, made out to FPT, Inc.

To: Harry Donahue, 103 Mulberry Court, Morgantown, Pennsylvania 19543. Need more information? Contact Bill Monaghan at FPT2799@COMCAST.NET. Please send us your email and phone number on the check.

FPT plans New Year’s Eve trolley charter

WHAT: FPT New Year’s Eve trolley charter

WHEN: Saturday night, Dec. 31, 2022, from 9 p.m. until 1 a.m.

WHERE: SEPTA’s 69th Street Transportation Center 6901 69th St., Upper Darby, PA 19082

FARE: $50.00 per person

DETAILS: The charter will cover suburban trolley routes #101 and #102, the Media and Sharon Hill Lines using a double-end Kawasaki Light Rail Vehicle. All proceeds will go towards the Friends of Philadelphia Trolley’s current projects: new roof boards for Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company’s (PRT) snow sweeper C-145, at the Baltimore Streetcar Museum and new air tanks for PRT 5326, at the Pennsylvania Trolley Museum. Snacks and soft drinks will be available on the car.

HOW TO PAY: To reserve a seat on the New Year’s Eve Charter, please complete the attached form and send your check or money order made put to FRIENDS OF PHILADELPHIA TROLLEYS, INC. to: Harry Donahue, 103 Mulberry Court, Morgantown, PA 19543 by Dec. 27, 2022.


FPT co-sponsoring Toronto streetcar charter

A TTC CLRV car is seen on King Street in 2012. (Roger DuPuis photo.)

TORONTO — Friends of Philadelphia Trolleys and the Wilmington Chapter of the National Railway Historical Society
are co-sponsoring a charter on the routes of the Toronto Transit Commission, using a 1951 PCC car and a Canadian Light Rail Vehicle (CLRV).

This should be an historic trip as the days for CLRVs are coming to an end, being replaced by TTC’s new Bombardier low-floor cars. Built between 1977 and 1981 by SIG in Switzerland (4000-4005) and Hawker Siddeley (4010-4199), the fleet of 196 cars has been pared down to just over 100.

Proceeds from this charter will assist restoration of Philadelphia Transportation Company 1923 Brill car 8042 at the Pennsylvania Trolley Museum.

The charter will last six hours and costs $85 (U.S. funds) per person. Charter equipment and routing are subject to change. This is sure to be a popular trip, so act now.

You can reserve your seats by downloading the attached form (see left), and mailing a check to HARRY DONAHUE, 103 MULBERRY COURT, MORGANTOWN, PA 19543.

For our Canadian friends paying by cheque, please write on the amount line: EIGHTY FIVE DOLLARS, US FUNDS.

You also can pay by credit card by visiting the Wilmington Chapter’s trip website at www.wilmingtonchaptertrips.com.

Need more information? Contact Bill Monaghan by
emailing him at FPT2799@COMCAST.NET or by calling him at 856-297-2355.

Also, please be sure to check the FPT website for
updates before the trip.


Toronto PCC car 4549 is seen at Wolseley Loop, on Bathurst Street during an October 2000 charter. (Roger DuPuis photo.)

WHAT: Friends of Philadelphia Trolleys and the Wilmington Chapter of the National Railway Historical Society TTC charter.

WHEN: 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday, Aug. 17, 2019

WHERE: Russell Carhouse, 1433 Queen St. East, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

COST: $85 U.S. per person

DEADLINE: Checks or credit card payments must be received by Aug. 7, 2019

FOR TICKETS: Download this form.

CONTACT: Bill Monaghan — FPT2799@COMCAST.NET or 856-297-2355.